Flowers with Romantic Names!

Scientific names are boring and hard to pronounce. That’s why flowers have common names- ones that are fun to say and easy to remember! And since it’s February and love is in the air, let’s take a look at some flowers with romantic names.

Bleeding heart (Dicentra spectabilis)

bleeding hearts, dicentra

The bleeding heart is one of the most easily recognized garden plants. These old-fashioned flowers are a cottage garden favourite because they are easy to grow and will self-seed. Bleeding hearts are named for their heart-shaped flowers that look like they are dripping with love. The pink and white bi-coloured is the most popular variety, but also available in red and yellow. Plant in partial shade with other shade-loving plants in fertile soil. Be sure to give them enough space, as they have a tendency to spread. These pretty flowers can also be grown indoors and can be used as a cut flower.

Forget-Me-Not (myosotis)

forget-me-not flowersThe Forget-Me-Not is a popular garden flower. Gardeners love them because they are easy to grow and can tolerate different growing conditions. These low growing, clump-forming plants would be ideal as ground covers or in rock gardens. They are also quite fragrant in the evening. Forget-me-nots are typically blue with yellow centers, but there are some that are white and pink. These dainty flowers are as romantic as they come. In the language of flowers, forget-me-nots symbolizes faithfulness, true love and remembrance. Some people believe that by wearing the flower, he/she will not be forgotten by his/her lover.

Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate (Persicaria orientale)

Kiss-Me-Over-The-Garden Gate

Photo Credit:

This charming flower is known for the chains of delicate pink flowers that grow profusely over the course of the season. Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate is a fast growing plant can reach 12 feet or more in height! The perfect solution for creating privacy or for covering up an ugly wall. KMOTGG would also look absolutely stunning over a gate or fence- the perfect place for a kiss! To take the plant to those sky-soaring heights, it requires plenty of light. The plant is easy to grow and doesn’t require much maintenance. It will self-seed.

Love-in-a-Puff/Heart Seed (Cardiospermum Halicacabum)

Heart Seed; Love in a Puff

photo via

Love-in-a-Puff is a climbing plant native to tropical climates of Africa and Asia that produces tiny, white flowers. The plant can grow from 7-10 feet tall, which make them ideal for trellises, fences and walls. The name Love-in-a-Puff refers the black seeds with white hearts on them, the “love,” found inside the seedpods or “puff.”  The attractive seedpods that appear after the flowers have faded look like little green paper lanterns, kind of like the orange-coloured Chinese Lantern.

Love-in-a-Mist (Nigella damascena)

Love-in-a-Mist (nigella damascena) flowers Love-in-a-Mist is a popular cottage garden plant that produces pretty blue flowers and attractive, delicate foliage. The flower gets its name from the fine, hair-like leaves (bracts) that surrounds the spiky petals. Besides blue, flowers are also available in white, pink, or pale purple. After blooming early in the  summer, charming green seedpods appear. Over time, they will change to cream and burgundy. Seedpods can be saved for dried arrangements. Love-in-a-mist is easy to grow, drought-tolerate and will self-sow. These hardy plants will last about 8 weeks in the garden. Plant in full sun. The flowers also make great cut flowers.

About Connor Lowry

I love flowers! I enjoy writing about them as well as gardening. Mostly I love finding new and unique flower gardening ideas I encourage you to post regularly on this blog, and send in guest blogs or ideas for new blogs as well. New and exciting blogs are always welcome I intend to post a lot of interesting facts and fun stuff about flowers, as well as info on many varieties of flowers.
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2 Responses to Flowers with Romantic Names!

  1. Pingback: Fun Flower Facts: Cornflower (Centaurea) | Grower Direct Fresh Cut Flowers Presents…

  2. Pingback: The Hearts-A-Bursting Plant | Grower Direct Fresh Cut Flowers Presents…

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