Fun Flower Facts: Grape Hyacinth (Muscari)

grape hyacinth; muscariGrape Hyacinth or muscari is a perennial plant native to Greece and Asia that produces clusters of tiny grape-like florets on spikes in the spring.  The foliage resembles long blades of grass. Flower colours vary from pale blue to navy blue. There is even a variety that comes in white! They look like miniature versions of hyacinths, growing to be 6-8 inches in height. Despite its common name, the grape hyacinth is not related to the hyacinth; muscari are members of the Lily family.

These spring flowers are a favourite with gardeners, as they are reliable, hardy and don’t require much care. Once planted, grape hyacinths will flower and spread vigorously. They will flower between April and May, with blooms lasting about 3 weeks. Muscari aren’t invasive, but ideally, they should be divided every few years.

Grape hyacinths start off as small fleshy bulbs, which makes them easy to dry out. Plant them early in the fall, so they can get enough moisture. These bulbs can be planted in full sun or shade and can tolerate most soil conditions. But it does best in well-drained soil. Unlike other spring blooming bulbs, muscari will produce foliage late into the summer and will stay evergreen until it blooms in the spring.

Grape hyacinths would look especially attractive planted in masses with other tall bulbs and flowering shrubs. They can also be planted in containers and forced to bloom indoors.

They also make beautiful cut flowers and will last 4-8 days.

Climate zones: 4-8

Fun Flower Facts about Grape Hyacinth (Muscari)

  • the name muscari means musk in Greek, which is fitting for these scented flowers
  • they can be used in dried floral arrangements
  • as the plant matures over time, the flowers become more spaced out along the spikes (not as closely packed together)
  • grape hyacinths are known to attract bees to the garden
  • In Holland at the Keukenhof Gardens, there is a an area called the “Blue River,” where an overwhelming mass of grape hyacinths are planted so densely and vast, it looks like a river running through the trees, shrubs and other spring flowers
  • some species can be used in traditional herbal medicine for its diuretic and stimulant properties

About Connor Lowry

I love flowers! I enjoy writing about them as well as gardening. Mostly I love finding new and unique flower gardening ideas I encourage you to post regularly on this blog, and send in guest blogs or ideas for new blogs as well. New and exciting blogs are always welcome I intend to post a lot of interesting facts and fun stuff about flowers, as well as info on many varieties of flowers.
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3 Responses to Fun Flower Facts: Grape Hyacinth (Muscari)

  1. Pingback: Grape Hyacinth | Find Me A Cure

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