Reasons to Grow Native Plants in Your Garden

Flower GardenGardening can be overwhelming, especially for beginners. Not only are there are thousands of different plants and flowers to choose from, breeders are constantly creating new varieties each year.

That being said, many gardeners are making an effort to add native plants to their landscapes. People are rediscovering the beauty and benefits of growing native flowers. Native plants, also known as indigenous plants, are naturally occurring plants that have adapted to the climate, geography and habitat of a particular region.

Here are reasons to grow native plants in your garden:

  1. Native plants are vigorous and hardy. Native flowers are often self-seeding, so there’s no need to replant each year. They are able to survive harsh winters and hot, dry summers. In addition, these plants have evolved to adapt to their natural environment and are resistant to most pests and diseases. There is no need to use harmful pesticides and chemical fertilizers in your garden.
  2. Native plants are low maintenance and easy to grow. Hybrids and imported plants often require fertilizer, irrigation and soil amendments. On the other hand, native plants are better adapted to the environment; they don’t require much, if any, maintenance to thrive once they are established. Perfect for beginner or lazy gardeners!
  3. Native plants will attract bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Pollinators are essential to our ecosystem. The majority of our food requires some form of pollination. With the bee population in such a dire state, you would be making a difference in the world.
  4. Native plants will provide food and shelter for wildlife. While most plants can provide food and shelter for animals, native plants are able to benefit a greater population of insects and small animals.
  5. Native plants are unique and diverse. Native plants aren’t plain and boring, as some people might think. In fact, they are just as beautiful as non-native plants. Native that come in a wide variety of captivating colours, heights, shapes and textures!
  6. You will save money! Once the plants have been well established, they don’t require watering or fertilizing-two areas where you will be saving money. To save even more money, you could replace your lawn with native flowers and plants!

Are you ready to add some native plants to your area? You can buy native flower seeds from reputable online seed companies, seed swaps, or get them from a friend or neighbour.

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About Connor Lowry

I love flowers! I enjoy writing about them as well as gardening. Mostly I love finding new and unique flower gardening ideas I encourage you to post regularly on this blog, and send in guest blogs or ideas for new blogs as well. New and exciting blogs are always welcome I intend to post a lot of interesting facts and fun stuff about flowers, as well as info on many varieties of flowers.
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